Simple really. He’s just purchased a new home from a developer who provides 2 years After Care. So, if he has a problem during that time, he knows who to call. That’s peace of mind for you!
How does his developer do that?
By engaging an After Care specialist, who provide a friendly and professional service to all their homeowners.
You might be thinking – so what, big deal! Well, it is a big deal actually, because his developer has recognised the importance of making certain all their customers are properly supported during the Builder’s Rectification Period i.e., the first 2 years from the date of legal completion. What is more, they know not only will After Build take every call and handle every defect reported, but they’ll also offer guidance and advice to help resolve those less obvious niggles that invariably arise.
So convinced where they that this service should be put in place, they also arranged to take After Build’s Quality Assurance Inspection and Home Demonstration. This way they were able to cover all their bases.
We hope never to hear from this homeowner (we haven’t so far) because that will demonstrate how satisfied he is with his new home. But as will always happen, should he experience a defect he knows he has access to our FREE Homeowner App, ‘Managing Your New Home’. This means he can report his defect to us any time of any day from the convenience of his phone, tablet or PC.
One of our trained Warranty After Care Controllers will handle his problem and should work be required to fix the issue, we’ll organise this through the developer’s original contractor.
It really couldn’t be easier. The entire process is well thought through and designed to support the homeowner from start to end. We’ve been doing this successfully with developers across the UK for the last 21 years.
If you want to know more about After Build speak to our Director of Sales and Marketing,Mark Fawcitt on 07342 037810 (