Now there's a NEW way to secure cost-effective After Care!
We recognise professional, reliable After Care is important to all developers, but we also understand that it must be affordable.
Now you can have our After Care solution in one of TWO different ways … same service, just a different way of paying.
This option is ideal for the developer who knows
their build quality is very good. and doesn’t expect many occupants to report problems
This option is ideal for the developer who prefers
to know what their After Care will
cost them from the outset
Great After Care costs money.
There’s a formula that can be applied to any business who wishes to organise their own After Care.
You need dedicated resource to take calls, and the minimum is two full time people. Why? Because to provide proper After Care means being able to take a call as and when it's made (but you can't know when that will be) so you need a dedicated resource. And either person will need breaks, holidays, and will be sick from time-to-time; you'll also experience staff turnover. This is why the economics don’t work for SME developers.
And from April, this will become even more expensive
The National Living Wage increase of 6.7% and the Employers National Insurance increase of 1.2% means that 2 people on the NLW will cost a business £56,189 a year and, it takes 2 years to provide After Care to meet the Builder's Rectification Period. That brings the cost to £112,378 (an increase of £8,000+).
Example: That would make providing After Care for 50 plots cost a developer £2,247 per plot.
After Build provide fixed price After Care. To cover 50 plots would cost a developer just £400 per plot (for 2 years) - that's a massive saving of £92,350.
The fundamental truths of professional After Care.

Your customer will judge you as much on the quality of your post-sales service, as they will the standard of your build. And they will treat you harshly if your After Care fails to provide the support your warranty expects of you. This means having a process that can handle and support all reported defects.
Properly assess the real cost of your After Care programme (system AND people) and ensure that it's delivering the best possible value for every plot you complete. Manage cost to include taking every occupant reported issue, organising contractor's appointments and generating internal management data to track your progress.
A poor service will always lead to complaints, often involving the potentially destructive use of social media. This causes a costly distraction to your business and ultimately, reputational damage, adversely affecting future sales.
Designed for London exclusive developments,
... the last word in service.
Simply the most cost-effective After Care available to all UK developments.
A hybrid service to manage properties at developments in administration.
Reliable out of hours emergency cover for voids and/or occupied plots.
* Option to include out of hours emergency cover.

Look at the benefits!
The price is fixed, no matter how many defects we manage
We also provide Out of Hours Emergency cover
We're a national service
Our team is trained to warranty build standards
We can manage anything from 5 to 1,000 plots
We will pick up a development with existing occupations
Our technology is second to none
Our track record is over 20+ years of successful service delivery
Increasingly the new homes sector is realising the crucial importance of professional After Care. After Build's service is the number 1 solution for many developers.